A lady, on awaking one morning in 1994 found a mysterious dark ô bruise ô the shape of Great Britten, 4ö high, under the navel on the right hand side, and quite painful. No idea how it got there, and lasted for weeks. On another occasion she remembers having a ô dream ô, and awoke feeling she was being carried, and feeling ô icy cold ô, then fell back asleep. Another night, around 3:00 AM, she awoke to see a brilliant white light outside her bedroom window. On numerous occasions just on the point of falling asleep, she feels as if she has lost all of the power of her body, and unable to move.
A lady told me of ô unusual ô experiences that had been happening to her from the age of six. She would have
ô out of the body ô experiences where she was æ somewhere else æ, but still able to hear her mother in the kitchen. Unable to awaken fully, but willing herself to. Then suddenly burst open her eyes fully startled, knowing that something unusual had occurred. She thought that these things were normal, and that everybody had these experiences.
When sixteen, she felt as if she would levitate off the bed. The bed would start rocking, and felt if she would start lifting off the bed. Frightened of this, she would grab the edge of the bed in an attempt to hold herself down.
When twenty five, she had a most unusual ô dream ô. She floated through the ceiling of the bedroom and into a small craft where she saw people. One Man was very tall and human looking. She had to bend her neck to look up at him he was so tall. He was seven feet tall. He was dressed in a long white robe, sandals on his feet, fair hair cut the same as the Ancient Romans. His name was
ô SUMNA ". She was taken in this craft she calls a ôscout ship ô, up into a huge ô mother ship ô . They entered the ô mother ship ô from underneath, and up a ramp. Inside the ô mother ship ô was full of 1000Æs of people. The People were all ô beautiful ô. She was then taken to see a very old Man, the only really old person she remembers seeing there. He was so old that she got the impression that he was ô ancient ô. After talking with the ô old man ô, she was again taken back to the ô scout ship ô and landed in a place she could not identify. She could feel the cool night air on her bare arms. ( she was still only dressed in her night cloths ) She remembers walking with the tall man somewhere, but does not remember anything of where she went. The next thing she remembers is walking out of a huge white ô temple ô type building. The steps leading up into the ô temple ô were rounded on either side. There were large columns in its construction. ( she has no memory of being inside, only coming out ) Once she stepped outside of the ô temple ô, she felt within herself that she knew all of the secrets of the Universe. This was given to her when inside the " temple ô. She turned and said to the tall Man, ô I will not forget any of this ô, and he replied, ô Yes you will ô. Sumna then looked at her and said ô always believe in the Creator, for he is real. Every one in the Universe believes in Him ô. She then said to Sumna,ôdoes not your name mean God ô? and he answered, ô I am not He, but I am the leader of our race, and the leader takes the name of the Creator, and we do not believe it is blasphemous ô. Now at the foot of the steps they see a beggar sitting there. Sumna gently places his sandaled foot upon the beggar and pushes him aside. Sumna was asked ô how could you do something like that ?. ô You are all so kind and loving ô. Sumna replied, ô He is a mistake, we demand perfection here ô. They both went back to the ô scout ship ô and she was told things of her future, and that she should remember him when she is troubled. And that she will remember things as she needs to as life goes on. That they have been together before, and will be together again. She then remembers going back down through the roof and back into her bed.
Next morning when she awoke, she thought of this ô dream ô, but noticed something very unusual. Her whole body was surrounded by an Aura, very visible and warm, extending 10 inches out from her body. She felt a ô pure love ô and understanding which lasted about half an hour. She has thought about the incident many times over the years and is convinced that it was real and really did happen as she remembers it. She also found a triangle group of puncture mark scabs on the inside of her leg at knee level. She also said that she was cured of serious gall bladder problems and that medical x-rays show lesions on the gall bladder where operated on, but she bares no physical scar. This baffled her Doctor.